Fleet managers looking for training that benefits drivers of all skill levels can turn to online defensive driving courses to provide high-quality, effective driver training to their fleet. Online courses give managers a variety of options so they can choose the training that best meets their needs, including instructor-led virtual courses, self-paced eLearning courses, and online assessments.
Online defensive driving courses can help drivers improve behind-the-wheel performance in several key areas. They offer information on important topics, such as proper use of advanced driver assist systems (ADAS) and distracted driver training videos.
Full-Length and Microlearning Self-Paced eLearning Courses
Driving Dynamics has created award-winning eLessons that help every driver, from those who drive light-duty passenger vehicles to heavy-duty commercial truck operators. Fleet managers can use the online DrivActiv™ technology-based training to find the lessons that best meet their drivers’ needs.
Both full-length courses and microlearning courses are beneficial in creating a culture of safety within an organization. These courses should be based on a consistent message and terminology, such as Driving Dynamics’ One Second Advantage curriculum. Full-length lessons are designed to teach drivers the best practices for safe driving methods that give them extra reaction time - an important factor when considering drivers can avoid many crashes if they have just one more second to act. Microlearning lessons provide quick and simple messaging on key topics to reinforce learning.
Instructor-Led Virtual Driver Training
Instructor-led virtual training provides even greater in-depth training than the traditional eLessons. Instructors actively engage with students and validate understanding while covering a broad range of topics such as defensive driving techniques and strategies, ADAS, and other unique driving situations.
Online Driver Assessment Tool
With decades of experience in training drivers to achieve better driving performance, Driving Dynamics realized that in addition to driving skills and techniques, behavior behind the wheel plays an important role in the safety of the driver. Understanding how a drivers’ unique personality impacts their behavior is key to providing the driver with the right training at the right time. The self-paced online driver assessment tool offered through Driving Dynamics - called DrivActiv iQuotient™ - measures six safe-driving dimensions and determines the areas where drivers tend to engage in behavior that leads to crashes. Drivers learn how their thoughts, feelings, and tendencies impact safety. Outcomes from the tool include developing safe-driving attitudes, attaining better safe-driving records, and improving driving through self-awareness.
Drivers at all skill levels can benefit by using online training that saves on time and allows them to learn or refresh their skills from anywhere. Online defensive driving courses offer a convenient solution for fleets that want to better manage risk and improve driver safety. Those interested in learning more can get the DrivActiv™ fact sheet here.